What is miraDry®?
miraDry is the only non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment that safely eliminates underarm sweat and odor glands. It’s an in-office procedure that provides a permanent solution for underarm sweat. Many see results after just one treatment.
Don’t I need sweat Glands?
Not in your armpits! You are born with approximately 2 million sweat glands throughout your body. Your underarms only contain about 2% of those glands. With miraDry® you will experience the many benefits of sweat reduction in the underarm area, while your body continues to sweat elsewhere.
What results & benefits can I expect?
MiraDry has the highest patient satisfaction rating above all non-surgical procedures. You can expect immediate and lasting results—sweat glands don’t come back after treatment. Recent clinical information confirms an average of 82% sweat reduction in most patients. As with any aesthetic treatment results will vary by person.
Benefits include:
No more embarassing sweat stains or odors
Saving money on deodorant & antiperspirant
No more ruined clothes
Living a natural, toxin-free lifestyle
More wardrobe choices
How can I learn more?
Simply schedule a consultation by calling 417-887-3223. We’ll be happy to help you decide whether miraDry® is the best way to feel more confident, and carefree!